G3 - Satriani, Vai & Malmsteen Guitar Gods – love em, hate em, envy em – whatever you choose, these are the guys who set the bar and they set it exceptionally high. Guitar Gods are those extraordinary few who motivate the rest of the pack to try and emulate them. They provide us with a target to strive for and an image to aspire too. They’re heroes because that’s how ‘Joe Public’ sees them. These are people born into this world the same as the rest of us and yet achieve incredible feats we can only dream of. How do they do it…? What makes them so special…? Why can’t everybody excel at everything they want to do…? Maybe it’s because we’re all so different, we’re all unique. Plus, we all have very different motivational levels and these maestros are obviously old music souls born over and over, bringing their vast talent with them on every life journey. Sadly, only the dedicated few amongst us will come close to these pioneers. Although if you check out ‘YouTube’ , the...